Toddler Program
Age: 15 months – 2.6 years
Room capacity: 15 toddlers
Age ratio: 1:5
Program: Full-time & Part-time (minimum 2-3 full days/week)
Toddler program introduces your child to a more structured day, no longer sleeping in cribs, having an established schedule for meals, naps and carefully planned activities, which are designed to assist your child in achieving those important developmental milestones and having fun at the same time. Our toddler program encourages social interactions, choice, independence, exploration, and lots of fun! Toddlers begin to get used to having Circle Time (calendar, stories, songs, and discussions), enjoying structured planned activities such as creative arts, sensory, story time, music, language and physical education as well as dramatic play. Balance of active and quiet activities, designed to enhance toddlers' growth and development, supports each toddler' needs for a balanced day. Time is spent both indoor and outdoor and children are encouraged to explore their world in safe and loving environment. Our toilet training program works in partnership with our families. When your child shows signs of readiness for toilet training, this interest is encouraged and approached with love and patience. Daily charts on child's naps, meals, diapering/ toilet training and other things the parents need to know, will be prepared by the program Teachers. As space becomes available for your child to start Junior Preschool program, he/she begins having visits to make the transition as smooth as possible.