Smart Little Children Daycare Centre provides programs for every age level including Infants, Toddlers, Junior Preschool, Senior Preschool, Kindergarteners and School Age children. Every activity is designed to support the development and well-being of your child, is age-appropriate and is based on individual children's needs, abilities and interests. Rooms are arranged to offer challenging play and learning choices at a range of developmental levels. The program is based on weekly themes and offers cognitive, social, emotional and physical development, circle times, creative arts, dramatic play, language, literature, music, science & nature, math, jolly phonics, computer, fine & gross motor, sensory and outdoor activities.
Special Programs
- French classes
- Gym/Physical education classes
- Music & Rhythm classes
- Yoga classes
Special Activities
Puppets shows, B-day Parties, Pajamas Days, Professional photography days, Christmas concert, Mother's Day concert, Father's Day breakfast, field trips during the summer (for older children).